
Cez - Chess Variant

Cez is a chess variation, with the same board but different pieces and rules.


Against AI


The game is played on a 8 by 8 square board just like a chess board.

Pieces - Pawns & Knights

There are two types of pieces in Cez.

Pawns move one square either horizontally or vertically (not diagonally). However; if the square that a pawn is going to move is occupied by an opponent pawn, the pawn can not move to that square. Instead, it can take it by jumping over it and moving one more square (2 squares in total). The square that the pawn is going to land must not be occupied by either a friend or opponent piece. These rules make the game look very like checkers, but unlike in checkers the pieces can not perform multiple captures in one turn.

Cez Pawn

Knigths move two squares either horizontally or vertically just like pawns, and jumps over the piece right in front of them like they do in chess. To capture a piece, they jump over the opponent piece and move a total of 3 squares.

Cez Pawn

Progressing through the game

In the game; if any piece can be taken, a capturing move must be performed. If there are multiple captures available, any capturing move can be selected.

Cez Pawn

The "centered islands" rule states that a player can win the game by creating "island"s which are made of pieces that are direct horizontal or vertical neighbors to other pieces in that island. To win, the player must create these "island"s on the center pieces so that every "island" has at least a piece in the center squares (the d4. d5, e4 and the e5 squares).

Cez Pawn

Another way to win the game is to capture all of the opponent pieces. If the opponent has no pieces left, the player wins the game.

Cez Pawn

If both players meet the conditions of the "interconnected islands" rule at the same time, the game ends in a draw. If any position is repeated 3 times in the game, the game ends in a draw.